Sunday, November 4, 2007

Coloring: Trying the Primaries

'The Color Index' was really helpful for inspiration in choosing color palette.
I didn't want to loose the spontaneity of drawing, so I decided to experiment with filling in areas with a wand.

The colors really made this composition 'pop'. I will post an older version a little later.

My friend commented that this looks very 'Dr. Seuss'. If that's a result of referencing so much Saul Bass, all the better then! I'm liking Saul Bass more and more.

I've found that I'm very drawn to House Industries fonts. I really need to take a typography/type design class (after comparing my hand drawn 'what's your story' and the one seen here)

Is it looking a little school bus? Or does that not bother anyone?
The O's, R's and S's look too similar! I have to change it, don't I?

1 comment:

............................ said...

these are good.


glad you're improving.

you feel it, no?
